Lithuania 1988–1993
„KOPA printed R. Požerskis‘s book Lietuva 1988–1993 (Lithuania 1988–1993)“
Printing house KOPA finished printing of the new photo album „Lithuania 1988–1993“ by Romualdas Požerskis at the beginning of February. This album is dedicated to the remembrance of historical events that led Lithuania to the independence. The publication „Lithuania 1988–1993“ was presented to the audience on February 11, 2015.
Introduction written by President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė.
Text authors: Valdas Adamkus, Vytautas Landsbergis, Algirdas Kaušpėdas, Algirdas Patackas, Veronika Povilionienė, Arūnas Andriuškevičius, Antanas Terleckas, Grytė Liandzbergienė, Rimantas Dichavičius ir Robertas Grigas.
Publisher: Lietuvos fotomenininkų sąjungos Kauno skyrius.
Printing house – UdlAB KOPA.
A selection of 1,600 photographs was made from the eight thousand available for the period 1988–1993. These were scanned, and 313 were published in this 228-page album. They are complemented by famous people’s accounts of the pivotal events of that time in Lithuania, and assessments of these events are made from a present-day perspective.
V. Landsbergis introduced this photo album as a book in which much is written. This book is rather more than just a collection of pictorial history documents. Every person can be read, like a book. These photographs capture not only important historical events but also experiences of the people involved in them; they also indirectly communicate the emotions the photographer himself was feeling.
Focusing on more than just the most important moments of the events, creative photographer R. Požerskis has created a comprehensive narrative based on true facts and experiences and the emotions, immortalised on film, of the people who participated in these events.
This book is a mute, but nevertheless eloquent, chronicle of the events surrounding Lithuania’s rebirth and as such it is of immense documentary value. Accordingly, our printing and publishing house has devoted an exceptional amount of attention to achieving high printing quality and finish in this publication.
We are proud that the author himself acknowledged this when he spoke at the book launch.
This publication was nominated on 19 February 2015 in the book art contest Vilnius’2014.